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发布时间:2012.04.17 广东省查看:5492 评论:1

以国内案为优先权的PCT申请,现在要进入美国、欧洲国家阶段,请问申请文件(PCT英文稿)的格式要怎样调整??? 除了格式外,其它内容是否有需要相应修改的地方???

标签: 美国 欧洲






  • 第1楼
    根据欧专局的"Guide for applicants","the following are the chief provisions governing the form of application documents and documents filed subsequently:
    (a) The documents making up the European patent application (description, claims, drawings and abstract) must be filed in a single copy. The same applies to documents replacing these original documents.
    (b) The documents must be on strong, pliable, white A4 paper (portrait format).
    (c) Each document making up the application (request, description, claims, drawings and abstract) must begin on a new sheet.
    (d) All the sheets must be numbered in consecutive Arabic numerals, which must be positioned top centre but not in the top margin.
    (e) The following minimum margins (type area) must be left blank:
    top: 2 cm
    left: 2.5 cm
    right: 2 cm
    bottom: 2 cm
    (f) The lines of each sheet of the description and the claims should be numbered in sets of five, the numbers appearing on the left side, to the right of the margin.
    (g) The line spacing must be 1.5.
    (h) There must be no handwritten additions to the text.
    The special requirements for drawings are dealt with in the Guidelines, Part A, Chapter X.
    Annex III gives three examples of how to draft a European patent application."
    引文最后提到的"three examples"请见附件。


    2012/04/17 15:17 [来自德国]

    0 举报
