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发布时间:2014.11.11 江苏省查看:1936 评论:1

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2014-11-06 June   微信公号: 点石国际专利运营圈

LOGICPATENTS 成功出售无线自适应通信系统专利组

      美国加利福尼亚,硅谷:  2014年 10月17日,总部设在加利福尼亚州圣何塞的LogicPatents近日宣布又成功出售一个关于无线自适应通信系统的专利组。LogicPatents是一家国际专利运营和专利咨询公司, 在中国和印度设有办事处并正在俄罗斯扩展。卖家Motia公司花了几年的时间开发了有关无线自适应通信系统技术并拥有这个专利组。本次交易的具体财务条款依照买卖双方要求保密,在此无法公开细节。通过此次交易, LogicPatents再次展示了其发掘专利价值的能力。许多发明人花了很多钱和时间来申请专利,但从来没有真正的从他们的专利中受益过。LogicPatents 专业从事为发明人获得他们应该的权益。

       谈论到与LogicPatents的合作,这个专利组的权利人评论:“尽管错综复杂, 在你们的努力下, 我们的一些知识产权终于被投入到了更好的用途”。在为期一年的时间内,LogicPatents与买家积极沟通,准备了非常扎实细致的材料来证明其专利的价值,从审查专利的权利要求,到尽职调查,与收购方来回交易谈判,到成功结账。LogicPatents的合伙人Joe Zheng博士回顾说:“除非由我们自己团队亲自撰写的专利,所有我们代理运营的专利都会涉及到一些意想不到的复杂性,这个专利组也不例外,买家几个月尽职调查时间算正常”。与收购方和专利权人密切合作, LogicPatents团队才有可能帮助完成收购方在尽职调查中提出的各种需求。

       关于LogicPatent:始于2002年,LogicPatents是专业从事运营与高科技相关的专利,它的主要业务以专利价值最大化为目的,为发明人获得他们经济上的权益。LogicPatents 在2009年为中国发明人获得美国专利市场单项专利最高交易金 (8位数)。欲了解LogicPatents更多信息,请访问www.LogicPatents.com,或电邮LogicPatents中国区负责人杨先生:rogeryang@logicpatents.com


Silicon Valley, CA – October 17, 2014. LogicPatents, an international patent brokerage and patent advisory firm headquartered in San Jose, California, with remote offices in China and India and now expanding to Russia, announced the sale of another patent portfolio pertaining to adaptive wirele****ommunication system. The invention was previously developed and owned by Motia, Inc.. The specific financial terms of the transaction are confidential and could not be disclosed. With this transaction, LogicPatents once again demonstrates its ability to uncover the values of patents many owners have spent a lot of money to have applied for but never really benefited from.

“I am glad that some of our IP assets have been finally put into good use with your effort”, said the owner of the portfolio to LogicPatents. Throughout a period of over one year, LogicPatents has worked with a strategic acquirer, prepared extremely solid and detailed materials to support a recommended valuation and did a masterful job in negotiating a complex transaction with the acquirer all the way from reviewing the claims to detailed due diligence with successful closing.

Regarding the time it took to close the deal, Mr. Joe Zheng, Ph.D., director of LogicPatents commented: “Unless prosecuted by our own team, all patents we represent for monetization have a certain amount of complexity involved and this portfolio was no exception”. Closely working with the legal team of the acquirer and the owner of the portfolio, LogicPatents team helped fulfill all the needs by the acquirer throughout the due diligence.   

***UT LogicPatents: Started in 2002, LogicPatents is specialized in brokering hightech-related patents, and has returned millions of dollars back to inventors, shareholders or patent holders. In 2009, LogicPatent secured the highest amount per a single patent in the US market for Chinese inventor. For more information, visit www.LogicPatents.com or email to Roger of LogicPatents China office :rogeryang@logicpatents.com  .

Copyright ©2014 by LogicPatents


标签: 美国 国际专利运营 发明投资 Logicpatents






  • 第1楼

    2014/11/11 09:52 [来自江苏省]

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