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发布时间:2013.08.16 山东省查看:42870 评论:36

中华人民共和国国家知识产权局 State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China 专利法实施细则 "Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law of The People's Republic of China the Implementing Regulations of the Patent Law of the Penple's Republic of China" 专利法 Chinese Patent Law 从属权利要求 the dependent claim 独立权利要求 The independent claim 第一次审查意见通知书 Notification of First Office Action 发出了审查意见通知书 issues the Office Action 第二次审查意见通知书正文 Contents of Second Office Action 附页 Attached Pages 意见陈述书 abservation 本通知书 the present detailed action 经审查 After examination 审查指南 guidelines for patent examination 审查员 examiner/Authorized Officer 替换页 replacement sheets 修改页 amendment sheets 提前公布 Request for Early Publication 修改文本 amended document 修改页 amendment sheets 意见与建议 comments and suggestions 原说明书和权利要求书 initial description and claims 新颖性 novelty 创造性 inventiveness 实用性 practical applicability 申请号 Application number 申请人 applicant 说明书 The description 已授权专利 Issued Patents 专利权人 patentee 专利性 patentability 本领域熟知/公知 it is well known to a person skilled in the art that 背景技术 description of related art 必要技术特征 essential technical features additional 对比文件 reference document 常规技术 "routine techniques /common knowledge" 创造性劳动 creative work 等同特征 equivalent feature 发明内容 summary of the invention 技术方案 technical solution 技术领域 field of the invention 技术手段 technical means 技术特征 technical features 必要技术特征 essential technical features 技术问题 technical problem 明显或隐含公开 expressly or impliedly disclose 实施方案 实施例 embodiment 上位概念 generic term 下位概念 specific term 限定部分 characterizing portion 限定作有 definitive effect 下位概念 specific term 上位概念 generic term 选择方案 alternative solutions 有益效果 (unexpected) (advantages ) beneficial effects(results) 主题 subject matter eg.请求保护的主题 and furthermore 由此可见 thus in that  由于,在于 也就是说 "that is/ in other words" Broadly  宽泛地讲 同样/同理 similarly process  方法,过程,工艺 这样 in this way advantageous  有利的 再如 for another example as balance  余量 在此基础上 on this basis, in turn  则,反过来,而 特别值得强调的是 Deserve special emphasis is disclose  公开 see particularly  具体参见 column XX, line XX  XX栏,XX行 contemplated  预期的,涉及,考虑范围内 Also  并且 cross-sectional views  截面图 instead of   代替 portions  一部分 analogous to  类似 particular example  具体例子 result in   导致 but alternatively  或 corresponded to  一致 still somewhat  在某种程度上 about  约 to  至 Accordingly  因此 in principle  原则上 literature  文献 in reality  事实上 cautiously  小心地 After characterization  表征之后 disadvantage for  不利于 term  术语 impart  赋予 subjected to   经过~,易于~,进行~ employ  使用 handling  操作 overview  综述 owing to   由于 Nevertheless  然而 superior to   优于 Surprisingly  出人意料地 mentioned  描述 assume  采用 per se  本身 1980's  1980年代 suitable  合适的 suitably  相称地 Similarly  同样地 confer  提供 give rise to   得到 give   显示出 delivering  提供 regardless of   而不论 benefits  益处 performance  性能 seeking to   试图 convenience  便利性 so also  因此 so forth  等 at times  有时 absolutely imperative  绝对必要 alternatively  或者 substantially  基本上 together with   以及~ exerts  表现出 develop  开发 also  同样 also covers  还包括 likewise  同样 conventional method  常规方法 so that  因此,所以,以便 followed by  然后,随后 vice verse  反之亦然 ===================== particularly  特别是,尤其 in particular  特别是 in particular with  特别是 more particularly  更特别地,更具体地 especially  特别是 specifically  具体地    desirable  希望 is desirable to  希望 if desired  若需要,必要时 desired  预期 undesired  不希望 if so desired  如果需要 when desired  如果需要    in addition  此外 additionally  此外 moreover  此外 furthermore  此外,更进一步 further  此外    perferably  优选 more perferably   更优选 most preferably  最优选 still more perferably   再优选 particularly preferred  特别优选 preference is given  优选 less preferred  次优选    example  实施例,实例 specific examples  具体实例 embodiment  实施方案    therewith  随后 thereby   从而,以 whereby  其中 wherein  其中 thereto  其中    applications  装置 is applicable  使用 is applicable to  适用    typically  通常 frequently  通常 conventionally  通常    among others  除了别的之外,其中 among other properties  除其它性质之外 in addition to  除了~之外,还 except that XX  除了XX besides  除了~之外,还    cost effective  更加经济 commercial XX  商品XX commercial scale  商用规模 are commercially available as XX  其在市场上的商品是XX commercially available  商购 commercial formulatios  商用制剂 marked as medicaments  作为药物上市    optionally   任选地,选择性地,或者 if appropriate  任选地,如果有的话 if necessary  任选地 if present  如果存在 包含 embrace 不能够,不能的 incapable 从市场上购买得到 be purchased from the market 方式 means 基本相同的 substantially the same 提交 submit 包含 embrace 不能够,不能的 incapable 从市场上购买得到 be purchased from the market 方式 means 基本相同的 substantially the same 提交 submit 包含 embrace 不能够,不能的 incapable 从市场上购买得到 be purchased from the market 方式 means 基本相同的 substantially the same 提交 submit 两者能够适用于相同的技术领域,解决相同的技术问题,并具有相同的预期效果,则认为两者为同样的发明或者实用新型。 be applied to the same technical field, solve the same technical problem, and have the same expected effects, then they can can be regarded as indentical invention or utility models 虽然选择所选定的实施例来说明本发明,但对于本领域技术人员显而易见的是,在不偏离权利要求所限定的本发明的范围的情况下,能作出各种修改和变型。 While only selected embodiments have been chosen to illustrate the present invention, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art from this disclosure that various change and modification can be made herein without departing from the scope of the invention as defined in the appended claims. 而且,先前对于根据本发明的实施例的描述仅是为了说明的目的,而不是为了限制由权利要求及其等效内容所限定的本发明。 Furthermore, the foregoing descriptions of the embodiments according to the present invention are provided for illustration only, and not for the purpose of limiting the invention as defined by the appended claims and their equivalents. 专利权人以合并方式修改权利要求 for claims amended by way of combination by the peatentee 根据专利法第三十三条的规定,申请人可以对其专利申请文件进行修改。但是,对专利申请文件的修改不得超出原说明书和权利要求书记载的范围。 according to Acticle 33, an applicant may amend his patent application for invention, but the amendment to the application may not go beyond the scope of the disclosure contained in the initial description and claims. 不符合专利法记载的内容 is not in conformity with the provisions of Article 26.3 of the Patent Law. 不符合专利法实施细则第二十条第二款的规定 is not complied with the requirements of Rule 22.2. requirements provided for in the Patent Law and its Implementing Regulations 不具备新颖性 does not possess novelty as required in Article 22.2. 符合专利法第三十三条的规定 in accordance with Article 33 of Chinese Patent Law. 进入国家阶段的PCT申请 (PCT applications Entering the national phase) 根据专利法实施细则第111条 according to the Rule 111 of Implementing regulations under the Chinese Patent Law 缺少解决其技术问题的必要技术特征 lacks essential technical features for solving the technical problem 基于上述理由,本申请按照目前的文本还不能被授予专利权。如果申请人按照本通知书提出的审查意见对申请文件进行修改,克服所存在的缺陷,则本申请可望被授予专利权。对申请文件的修改应当符合专利法第三十三条的规定,不得超出原说明书和权利要求书记载的范围。 Due to the above rejection, the present application will not be granted based on the present copy. If the applicant revises the application document according to the present detailed action to overcome these rejections, the application will be in great probable case to be issued. The amendments to the application should be provided based on the original claims and specifications in accordance with Article 33 of Chinese Patent Law. Due to the above rejections, applicant should reply the problem raised by the notice one by one before the deadline designated by the notice. And the patent application document should be revised if necessary, otherwise it will be in great probable case to be issued. The amendments to the application should be provided the marked paper after amendment with a completely identical in content and state the basis of amendment in observations in accordance with Article 33 of Chinese Patent Law. 属于专利法记载的疾病的治疗和诊断的方法 belongs to the methods for the diagnosis or for the treatment of diseases stipulated by Paragraph 3 of Article 25 of the Patent Law 现提出如下审查意见 many opinions from the examination are put forward as follows. 以人和动物体为直接实施对象,以疾病的治疗和诊断为直接目的 living human or animal bodies as the direct implement subject, and the treatment method of diseases for treatment or prophylaxis of diseases as the immediate purpose. Thus, although the description sets forth a concrete technical solution, but the solution can only be established upon confirmation by experimental result, while there are not any relative experimental evidence provided in the description. Therefore, the description of the present application fails to set forth the invention in a manner sufficiently clear and complete so that a person skilled in the art cannot carry it out, and is not in conformity with the provisions of Article 26.3 of the Patent Law. 权利要求书应当以说明书为依据 the claims shall be supported by the description 以说明收为依据 support in the description 不具备突出的特点和显著地进步,不具备创造性 don't have prominent substantive features and represent a notable progress, and don't possess inventiveness 驳回决定一般应当在第二次审查意见通知书之后才能作出。但是,如果申请人在第一次审查意见通知书指定的期限内未针对通知书指出的可驳回缺陷提出有说服力的意见陈述和/或证据,也未针对该缺陷对申请文件进行修改或者修改仅是改正了错别字或更换了表述方式而技术方案没有实质上的改变,则审查员可以直接作出驳回决定。 the decision of rejection shall usually be made after the second Office Action. However, if the applicant, within the time limit specified in the first Office Action, has not put forward any convincing obserations and/or evidences for rejectable defects as indicated in the Office Action, or has not amended the application documents in answer to such defects, or the amendments have only corrected the wrongly written characters or altered the presentations without modifying the technical solution substantially, the examiner may make a decision of rejection directly.






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