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美国专利申请人Small Entity与Micro Entity问题

发布时间:2014.07.07 北京市查看:16708 评论:14

美国专利申请人Small Entity与Micro Entity是如何界定的?对Micro Entity在后续专利申请流程中有什么限制?

标签: 专利 申请人 美国






  • 第1楼
    美国专利制度中的小实体(Small Entity)制度:申请人如果是独立发明人、非营利团体、或者少于500人的中小型企业,则美国专利局的专利费用减半收取,

    2014/07/07 11:51 [来自北京市]

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  • 第2楼
    本帖最后由 siceng 于 2014-7-7 11:54 编辑


    2014/07/07 11:50 [来自北京市]

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  • 第3楼
    本帖最后由 siceng 于 2014-7-7 12:48 编辑

    As stated in 35 U.S.C. 41(h)(1) and 37 CFR 1.27(a), an owner of a patent or patent application is entitled to Small Entity Status if and only if:

    • The owner is a "person" (i.e. individual or individuals)who has not assigned, granted, conveyed, or licensed, and is under no obligation under contract or law to assign, grant, convey, or license, any rights in the invention. An inventor or other individual who has transferred some rights in the invention to one or more parties, or is under an obligation to transfer some rights in the invention to one or more parties, can also qualify for small entity status if all the parties who have had rights in the invention transferred to them also qualify for small entity status either as a person, small busine****oncern, or nonprofit organization under this section.;or
    • The owner is a "small busine****oncern", meaning a business which meets the size standards set forth in 13 CFR 121.801 through 121.805 to be eligible for reduced patent fees.
    Those standards (13 CFR 121.802) say that a concern eligible for reduced patent fees is one:
    (a) Whose number of employees, including affiliates, does not exceed 500 persons; and
    (b) Which has not assigned, granted, conveyed, or licensed (and is under no obligation to do so) any rights in the invention to any person who made it and could not be classified as an independent inventor, or to any concern which would not qualify as a non-profit organization or a small busine****oncern under this section.
    The regulations of the SBA define how you count an "employee", what is an "affiliate", and over what period that counting is done. If you really want to find out exactly, you will need to review all of the regulations and your employment records very carefully, and account for all of the "employees" who worked for your business or its "affiliates" at any time during the previous 12 months. If your busine****oncern (counting its parent company, subsidiary companies and any affiliated companies)  was anywhere near 500 employees at any point, you should probably pay Large Entity fees, just to be safe.
    Questions related to standards for a small busine****oncern may be directed to: Small Business Administration, Size Standards Staff, 409 Third Street, SW., Washington, DC 20416;or

    • The owner is a nonprofit organization, meaning (37 CFR 1.27(a)(3)) any nonprofit organization that:
    (i) Has not assigned, granted, conveyed, or licensed, and is under no obligation under contract or law to assign, grant, convey, or license, any rights in the invention to any person, concern, or organization which would not qualify as a person, small busine****oncern, or a nonprofit organization; and
    (ii) Is either:
    (A) A university or other institution of higher education located in any country;
    (B) An organization of the type described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 19 86 (26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3)) and exempt from taxation under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 501(a));
    (C) Any nonprofit scientific or educational organization qualified under a nonprofit organization statute of a state of this country (35 U.S.C. 201 (i)); or
    (D) Any nonprofit organization located in a foreign country which would qualify as a nonprofit organization under paragraphs (a)(3)(ii)(B) of this section or (a)(3)(ii)(C) of this section if it were located in this country.

    2014/07/07 11:52 [来自北京市]

    0 举报
  • 第4楼
    Am I entitled to Small Entity or Micro Entity fee status?  http://www.bpmlegal.com/howsmall.html

    2014/07/07 12:02 [来自北京市]

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  • 第5楼
    美國專利改革法案 http://www.docin.com/p-532854672.html

    2014/07/07 12:03 [来自北京市]

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  • 第6楼
    本帖最后由 siceng 于 2014-7-7 12:48 编辑

    1.USPTO 得自訂規費權限、微實體(micro-entity)之定義等項目;微實體基礎定義與優惠如下所述:
    (1) 同一發明人(獨立發明人、學校組織,或是非常小的公司)在美國專利申請案在4件以內,亦即同一發明人4件以內的美國申請案都算是微實體,但其國外申請與臨時申請案都不計算;
    (2)此發明人不得為「富人」,亦即其前一年之總收入(gross income)不能超過美國家庭平均收入之3倍

    2014/07/07 12:03 [来自北京市]

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